
Thursday, June 8, 2017

lodestone spells provided from the book:

To Cast Away Fear:

When you are in fear, take a lodestone to a river, lake, or pond. Hold the stone in your projective hand. Pour your fear and anxiety into the stone. Feel it absorbing those feelings like a sponge. When it vibrates with all that fearful energy, toss it into the water. As you throw, release the energy along with the lodestone. Repeat as needed.
To Attract Love:

Charge a small lodestone with visualization. See yourself in a happy, emotionally healthy relationship, but not with any specific person. As you are holding the stone, say:
"Stone which draws from below and above, draw now to me my one true love."
Wrap the stone in a bit of pink cloth, then wear or carry it with you until you have found your person.

For Money

Find a crisp new one dollar bill. Also gather one small lodestone and some green thread or yarn. Wrao the dollar bill around the lodestone and tie it tightly with the thread. Hold the package in your hand and say:
"Stone of metal, stone of power, I enjoy prosperity. Bring me money from this hour, as my will, so mote it be."
Wear or carry the lodestone with you. If you have a business, hang it over the door or place it in a cash register. (Warning: avoid electronics with lodestones.) Periodically visualize receiving the money you wish for, spending it wisely, or saving it.

This is a spell from my first BOS (which i recently finally received via UPS, thank you. <3 )

A Magnetic Personality:

Gather 1 lodestone, appropriately colored yarn or thread, parchment paper, a pen for writing:
Handle the lodestone for awhile, filling it with your wanting for love or friendship. On the parchment, write out the the kind of person and relationship you are seeking, being specific about what it is YOU REALLY WANT. Fold the paper into a tiny rectangle, then bind it to the lodestone with the yarn. Once you are finished, bury the pieces beneath or near your doorstep to draw the visitors you seek.