
Thursday, June 8, 2017

Red Jasper Casting Instructions for 'To Conjure Up a Lover'

For this incantation you will use the red jasper: the stone of love and passion. It does not matter what time of the day or night you choose for this magic, but it will be good to wait for a hot south wind to blow. Prior to performing the magic, write this ancient spell on a piece of the appropriate paper which you keep for this purpose, with your special pen:
In three days
and three nights,
at this hour come.
Love come to my bidding.
Come in the red
amber of flame.
Come in the full
flooded moon of night.
Come to me in the
silent time of waiting.
Come on the violent
wings of tides.
In three days and
three nights,
at this hour,
to my bidding, come.
Keep the paper and the red jasper with you, cleanse and dress yourself and call the element fire. Hold the stone so that the light of the flames in the burner (or bonfire or candle) are flickering on it and warming up its spirit. Read the spell aloud, as you focus your total attention on the words you are saying. Having done that, place the spell together with the stone in the spell box, and leave it there undisturbed for a whole moon cycle. By the time the moon is back to the same position, a love will have entered your life.